Tuesday, December 8, 2009

that time of year...

It is in fact, that time of year for me. The time of year when I feel the need to be alone, away from everyone. It's not that I dislike most people...oh, wait, yes it is. Um, no, this is different. This time of year I like to isolate from those few that I DO like. Hmmm, maybe it's the weather. I'm not sure. Every time this time of year rolls around I feel the need, the compulsion, to just GO. To get away from everyone. To sit by a fire with just my dog, to be alone. More so than usual. I want nothing more than the natural sounds of the planet around me. Just the animals and me...more than usual. I eat more out of habit than hunger. No, it is not depression, trust me, I know what depression is and this is not it. i actually feel good this time of year. I simply have this longing to be AWAY..once again, more than usual. Honestly, I do dislike 99% of all people that I meet. This includes family as they are human as well. I can, and this is no joke, count on two of my four paws, the people that I like. The others I tolerate and poorly at that. I shall not go into the reasons why now, but they are numerous. I just don't like people. No offense taken if you are human, I hope. Oh, this small number of people does not include children. I tend to like those young ones not yet corrupted by the taint that is humanity. I do not believe that all humans should be put down. No, let them have their planet. I'll go back to mine. I prefer the animals. I understand them as they are like myself. Not sure if it the simple-mindedness of them or the instinctual drive that keeps them going that I relate to, whatever it is, I dig it. Perhaps I should do as people suggest that I should do and hibernate. It would make sense. I do so love this time of year and weather though. Right now the air is heavy, so much so that it is leaking moisture. It is what some humans consider cold. Wet and cold, this I can handle. I spent yesterday in shorts and a t-shirt and will probably do so again today. It's just not cold to me. My blubber keeps me well insulated. Well guys and gals, I sign off for now, no applause please. Take care, hug your children and feed your dog a steak. --That last part the dog told me to say or he was not going to take me outside this morning.

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