Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Living in the Moment

Hey everyone, tis I, Bruno, your four legged traveler and protector of yards from those sneaky turtles! My human and I have been as busy as a one-legged cat trying to bury turds on a marble floor! He is loosing the weight, slowly so he says, and dragging me along with him. Ok, I'll admit that most mornings it is I who does the dragging, at the begging of the walk anyways. That guy always seems to be in a hurry on these walks! He should slow down and enjoy it. I try to show him how but you know what they say, you can't teach an old human new tricks. This morning though, it was a BIRD that taught him a lesson on being where you are, when you are.
It was during our mile three break and he had been rushing along like the trail would disappear if he didn't hurry, as usual, and we stopped to pant for a minuet and lap some water. Now , I could just see those tiny, broken wheels trying to spin and I just knew his small mind was elsewhere, worrying about such things as was and is out of his control. Boy, was he gone! Then, I saw him snap to, as if someone had opened the marro bones bag, and he took notice of a mocking bird just going off! This thing was really going at it, just singing like crazy. It would change songs then go back, then switch again. I must say, even a reserved and worldly dog as myself was impressed. I could see the light come back into his eyes and he took a look around and for the first time all morning, he SAW where he was. He took note of the ducklings that had hatched over the weekend, of the goslings following their mother. He felt the lovely breeze, blowing the cool morning air on his sweating, stinking body. (Really, he stinks after a walk!) He took note of the way the morning sun made it seem as if he were inside a giant green kaleidoscope as it shone through the leaves. For the first time all morning, he was AT the park. He looked down at me and said as much. I replied "duh", but I'm not sure he caught that, he is rather slow at times. It showed him that he should slow down and BE were he was. Enjoy it, live in it, just BE!
As for the turtles! HOW DARE THEY!! To think that one would try to INVADE my back yard! Hmph! Well, I showed that one that did dare to tread in my domain! I gave her a right barking at. Yes sir! I bet she'll think twice before venturing into MY lair again! The nerve! My human said that it was a red-eared slider. HA! Trespasser, that's what she was! Unfortunately the humans rescued it from my mighty mandibles of doom and released it into the river at the park with the rest of those things. She had damn well better tell the others what to expect in MY empire!
All in all things are good. Rain falls, heat rises, but we keep trotting along, one paw in front of the other. Pups are born and grow up to have whelps of their own. The wheels turn and the wind, well, she blows new and exciting scents our way every day. It is up to us to take the time to sniff them.....