Monday, September 27, 2010

A day with a princess and the royal family.

The beloved Meathead and I were kidnapped in the very wee hours of the morning yesterday, or, as some would say, in the night. As I was awake anyway I minded little. We were forced to endure the tortures of grilled foods and great company. Oh, what horrors we faced. Like troopers though, we did not back down nor did we ever give up! We consumed the meats, what MUST have been several pounds worth. My colon hates me but my tummy loves me for it!
the coversation was truly a nightmare, what with all the laughing and catching up. Once again, the horrors! OH!! And lets us never forget the nightmare of the , wait for it.......TICKLING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAHHHHHHH!!!! The memories are too much!!!(SOB).
Ok, I've recovered, let us continue. The betrayal by my best buddy was almost too much when he failed to protect me from those wicked tickles, I'll not mention any names oh furry and tailed one....
There was, however, one enjoyable ray of light. One that helped me through the darkness of the great food and better friends, The Princess. AH yes, The Princess Emma! She and I, her Prince Kevin, the handsome, smart, strong, handsome, witty, handsome, brave, and did I mention handsome?, Prince Kevin, took on the evils of the world to save the innocent!!! We rode the length and breadth of the kingdom, fighting trolls, witches and care bears.... ok, maybe not care bears be we sure would have had any got in our way! We also befriended and learned about a certain large grasshopper. If you ask the Princess she will show you that this grasshopper was about a foot in length or more. We played with Ruby the dragon who stayed in my shirt pocket, we threw a ball at the beach. She and I constructed our castle, complete with a moat and draw bridge and towers. We stalked the elusive crickets in the wild, uncharted yard. We flew across and above the land, we sat , we walked holding hands, making small talk that only a four year old and an adult with the mind of a four year old can conjure. It was a wonderful day. There was a certain beautiful someone who was missing, but was with us in heart. My Queen.
Today the royal court travels to the wizard of the scalpel to tend to the king's leg. It was bitten off by a shark but is getting better. If he would have taken MY advice and rubbed salt in the gaping hole in his leg, it would be all healed today. So few people listen to my advice though, it's weird huh? At least he is getting better, although slower than if he would have listened to me and my extensive medical background. Salt and dirt does wonders!!
B and I are back in our cave now, the smell of cooking flesh still fresh in our nostrils and the feelings of arms around us in hugs fresh in our minds. This day, this cool Autumn day, will be long remembered.


  1. It sounds like a perfectly amazing day. But when your in the company of Princess Emma then you know that there is a God and he loves us all. For how else could we be gifted with such a loving young woman. Gosh that alone makes me happy. I am so sorry that the outlying clan could not join in your festivities. As we where out with the local towns people playing at the fair. You know eating our way through it was most likely. By the time we found the note in the bottle that the sea gull dropped on our head it was wee into the evening. Much as I miss the good looking and gallent Prince Kevin. Was happy to have some of my own brood of grandbabes here for the weekend too. So maybe soon....and I so hope the Kings leg is repaired! Worried there.

  2. I am so sad to have miissed all sounds like you had a wonderful time and for that I am grateful.

  3. It is scary, this story is mostly true. Especially the part about Bruno being a traitor for a wee bit of food and leaving you helpless to the tickles...tehehe! The princess is still talking of these activities and her love of the prince and his loyal companion. Perhaps it will not be too long until the world must be saved again!
