Monday, May 10, 2010

I have taken over...

As it is that Terzula is not keen on the web logging thing, I Will, from time to time, be taking over his spot. Who is this dashing being who has left his keen perspective for us to read you ask? I shall tell you.. I am Bruno. THE Meathead. Accept no substitute.
Recently, I went in for a "routine" check up,(somehow these things never end up "routine"), and was found positive for heart worms. Yea me. Not to fear, the condition is treatable in this day of medical advancements. The treatment is, however, not, shall we say, pleasant. I was given a shot on consecutive days. Unpleasant things, these shots. Arsenic is a major component in this serum. The toxin is administered in the muscle deep in each hip via a foot of fine Toledo steel. Unpleasant? Yes. The pain pills helped, a little. I felt horrible the first three days, but, the worst is yet to come! I must remain "quiet" for six weeks. Six L O N G weeks. As of today, I have 29 more days of boredom to go. 29 days of no running, jumping, playing, or even excessive barking. Excessive barking?? Barking is never "excessive"! Dumb humans! You see, there is a danger of dislodging some of the worms in my heart and sending the dead parasites to somewhere important. Such as a different part of the heart, the lungs, or the brain. This could result in death, which as you may, or may not know, is almost 100% fatal and sometimes permanent. At least Terzula gives me rub downs, scratches and massages. And lots of things to gnaw on, though they never last long. Over all he is not a bad human-sort of fellow. (It is still up for debate the world over just what the hell he is.)
On top of this ,I have contracted ear mites. I just know that I got them from that circus poodle in Comanche. What a night!! Should have used protection though. Ah well, live and learn, I say. While annoying, this is just that. Annoying. Drops from the good doctor at ARK Veterinary Hospital are knocking them out. And a moist cloth to clean the ears daily feels GREAT before each treatment.
In a bone,(this is like a nut shell to you simians) get checked for heart worms. The people from the shelter in Brownwood had somehow got a negative result, thank dog for the check up. It is mosquito season in North America so a good preventative such as k-9 Advantix really helps, as does heart worm meds. Ask your vet for a good heart worm medication. Trust me, This sucks. This is worse than being a cat!!
Until next time, keep those tails waging!!

1 comment:

  1. Awww...Bruno. I didn't know you were such an elegant writer. I am so sorry you are bored. You will be up and playing soon, just be patient and tell your human that I love him very much!
