Monday, November 16, 2009

the longest nights

As is often the case, I find myself up at an odd time for most diurnal mammals. Sometimes I sit at the computer checking out the news or National Geographic type site. Sometimes I enjoy just sitting outside in the night. The feel of the cool air, the star-filled sky, the quiet, I love it all. It's a time when I am alone with myself. Just me and the night. I can think a little, clear my head somewhat. I often kid about it, but I really would love to live in a secluded forest somewhere in the north-west, near the Rockies would be great or even in British Columbia. I crave it, long for it. I feel that I actually NEED it. I have always been drawn north and I have no idea why. Even as a child, I have felt the need to live alone in the forest or unspoiled areas of the north. Idaho, Oregon, Washington, Canada, somewhere like that. Away from this "civilized" technical society. I have a brother that lives in Kotzebue, Alaska, that is 50 miles north of the arctic circle. He likes it though it has its' shares of drawbacks. I would like a bit less tundra in my neighborhood though. maybe some day I can find myself in the quiet solitude of tall trees and birds singing.
Marshall's party went well, I think. I stacked his cake while it was still warm and it looked as if a medium-sized farm animal had sat on it though. He seemed not to care but I did, greatly. In true Marshall style he even sang happy birthday to himself with the rest of the party goers. The kid, er, young man, is quite humorous. The next morning , he and I started building a helicopter from one of his gifts. It was time very well spent! As he put it, it will give us time to bond (said with much humor again). It was very nice though.
I have been up for several hours and will need to get others up in an hour or two so I will try to lay down a bit.....later!

1 comment:

  1. i am so with you there
    wake from 3 to 5 am all the time
    house is quiet and i dont want to disturb
    but at same time i am up and ready for action
    quiet hours to reflect
