Thursday, November 26, 2009

It's here, that day

Here it is, T-day! I've got the dressing in the oven now. The bird is preped. The pies are baked. I'm ready! Oh, crap. I still have a lot to do though! I hope it all works out. The pies, by the way, are great. Jenn and David came by and we broke in to one of the pecan pies. Not too bad.
Sorry to hear that Crazed is ill. Hey, if all goes wrong, bring them over here, I'll feed them!...Right. I'll try to anyway. Really, I hope you get to feeling better.
I do hope that one of my younger brothers, the tallest of us and therefore not a "little" brother, (heck, none of my youngers are little!) is able to show up today. He works over 100 hours most weeks. Yep, he drives a truck. But, hopefully, he can show. Dad will be here. Oh shit. I have no gift for him yet. Crap on a cracker. Ummmmm, oh, crap. I need to at least get him a card. I think I have time, if anything is open in town today. Oh, man. I'll figure something out, I have too!
You know, I was going somewhere with this.... Oh yea! I remember now. Hey, get used to it with me.
We are going to the ranch where I spent the most memorable parts of my childhood. Where I learned what being a good person, a good HUMAN is all about. Where kindness meant something. Where I saw that a kind, soft hand meant so much more than a harsh, cruel word. All this I learned from my grandfather and grandmother, well, "step" grand parents. Not to me though, to me, he was my world. He taught me so much more than what I was exposed to. He taught me that being tough was not being mean. He was strong, morally, physically, mentally and spiritually. Yet, he would deliver a lamb that was having trouble entering the world as if he were cuddling an infant. He was a much bigger man than I am. Than most. The best man I have ever known in person. I miss him dearly. I am so very thankful that I had a chance to have him in my life. I can still see him milking one of the two milk cows by hand, checking out the beef cattle, sheep or pigs. Walking in the garden, or chicken yard. Sitting under the oak of an evening with Mansfield, the German Shepard. Oh how I miss him and that dog. Rest well you two, you have deserved your rest.
Anyway, we are going to the ranch. Another one of my younger brothers will be there. People that I see far to infrequently will be there. The place is different now. There are a great fewer animals there. The old ranch house burned down, and Granny is much older. But still, the memories persist. So many good memories.....
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. Take a moment to remember all of those gone before you, those childhood feasts and laugh. Laugh a lot, so the children around you will have memories like we have.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the well wishes
    was sick hard and fast but got over it in 24 hrs
    was able to pull off a feast of a lifetime here
    ask dear hubby or college girl for a pic of just the menu on the dry erase board!
    glad you put your culinary talents to use.
    i hear you made one woman very very happy.
    yes we want food then SEX. LOL
