Wednesday, June 2, 2010

up again .

It's about that time of the morning and I'm bored-ish. Too bad for you! This form that I perceive to inhabit was invaded by an alien life several days ago. I know it was alien because this body tried to rid itself of said invading life, violently. Out of both ends. At the same time. I am so glad for the invention of trash cans as a waste basket would have been too small. As would have been a bucket. After this body catapulted the contents of bowel and stomach I realized..this form is SORE. I may have damaged this body and may have to get another. When one is vomiting at super sonic speeds, one does little in the way of philosophical thinking, or any thinking other than prayers to deities and even those are short. Usually just calling out of names in hope of salvation. I am a Buddhist so I usually didn't get the whole name out before another bout of intestinal porcelain removal. I did however think about karma and what I could have eaten to bring this upon myself. Turns out it was not karma so much as a lesson on impermanence, an important Buddhist teaching. This lesson was on the impermanence of things inside the body apparently. I shall spare you the colorful sounds and densities of evacuates from this system and move on to far more pleasant things.
Bruno, my canine guide on this trip is doing well. During the last visit he was found to have developed an ear infection after the mite had left and just a small spot of demodetic mange under one eye. The ear infection has cleared up great with medication as has the little mange-causing mites under the eye. He is still being treated for both. The mange was a result of stress of the treatment for heart worms that caused the mites to multiply faster. Something about taking advantage of stress and illness to kick their hosts' ass, or under-eye in this case. He will be at full capacity for activity in a few days. We are BOTH looking forward to that!
The walk from central Texas to the border of Canada is still in the planning phase. I do hope to be able to leave by early next year, this body does not reverse age unfortunately and is currently at 37 Earth years. It will be at 38 later this year so a need for urgency is on the planning table.
My tree is uprooting and moving with the saplings to the state of New York. It has to be better than the state of chaos and ignorance in which they are planted now. I wish them all the best and will miss them. I hope to try to help with the migration. Some will depend on funding as we, Bruno and I, may have to hike back. I think it will be a good practice run for us, although we will be ill prepared. It should be interesting to say the least. Maybe a Gypsy abduction is in our future! That could be great! Who knows?
Until next time, get plenty of rest, drink enough water, and give a hug to someone, they just may need it. Later humans!


  1. Thanks for all the details! Oh, and I'll have you know, I did not catch the horrid virus that you all were passing around. Told you!

  2. lil bit of a far hike
    rethink that one
