Monday, May 17, 2010


I awoke at 2:49 again. I do this a good bit. I have dreamt of this same time before. In the dream there were a lot of digital clocks stuck on this time as well as peoples' watches. Was this the end of time? The beginning? Hell I don't know and really, I don't care. I do not put a lot of stock into my dreams, although I do often wonder if there is any meaning to dreams or if it is simply the subconscious jacking with people. I do have re-occurring dreams often. At times for several nights in a row or years apart. These re-occurring dreams vary little , if at all. The whole dejavu thing occurs also. Now, I am no wacko that considers themselves a psychic or some such crap. I just have dreams that play out in the day to day. Sometimes the time between dream and reality (if there is a difference) occurs days or even years apart, but it does happen. It is never anything of importance, simply average, dull, mundane shit. It almost always involves another person but I can remember the dream right as it starts to unfold in the here and now. I do not mention it often to the other person or people. I find vacations in the nut houses to be of limited adventure, although the conversations with other vacationers is some of the most stimulating you can find in today's society, if you keep an open mind. Oh yes, back to dreams. I have yet to find any use or even much meaning in the ones I have, never the less, I am often curious about them. Books on the subject are of little help and damned if I will go to psychics for advice. I have never met one worth a pile of waste. At least the shit can be used as compost or fertilizer and therefore has some use.
For those of you that wish to know, and those that don't, Bruno is fine if not bored and depressed. He/We have 21 more days of "down time" treatment of our/his six weeks and then we may run and play again. Get your loved ones checked for heart worms, even grumpy old Grandpa.

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