Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I am often fascinated with this obsession that humans have with "time". How is it that something so perception-based could rule the lives of an entire planet? "I have to be at work by 9" , "You must be there in 20 minuets.", "Oh, I'm sorry, but you're out of time.", etc. Really? What if my watch is fast or slow? Does that make me wrong? Does it make me right? Seconds, days, years, it honestly doesn't mean very much to me. Oh sure, I play along for the benefit of you Earthlings, but I don't care. I eat when I'm hungry, sleep when I'm tired, and take the dog out when he needs to go. It works great! I get along fine with the knowledge that it is mid day when the sun is at its zenith and night time when it's dark. I acknowledge the passing of the seasons and I get along OK. Age? BAH! Who needs it! Some days I am old, others...well not so old. So why this obsession to make everything fit into nice little blocks of manageable segments? I think it may be man's obsession to rule everything. Even things that cannot be "seen", touched, tasted or even truly mastered. Of course we all can see the passage of time, but we cannot see time itself in solid form. My belief, since you ask, is that all forms of thinking life would stay younger longer if they did not obsess over this wholly perceptive thing called "time".
In other goings-on, The Sprite turned 12. What the hell? growing up sucks! Stay young! Mooch off of the parental units as long as possible. Before long she will want civil liberties and equality and a drivers licence! Buddha help us all then!! It is bad enough that Marshall will be on the road in 3 years, now Amy will be driving in 4 !!!!!!!! Holy crap, we should all stay off of the roads then. Get everything done now so you can stay off the streets when they become speeding maniacs!!

1 comment:

  1. do you think they will wait that long before a late night joy ride happens? you know allsups chimis are calling.
